Windham Raymond Schools rsu14 robert hickey Director of Technology

Windham Raymond Schools rsu14 robert hickey Director of Technology

Who is the pioneer propelling Windham Raymond Schools or RSU14 into the future? The answer is Robert Hickey, the Director of Technology. This article will delve into the contributions Hickey has made in his role and how his extensive expertise has significantly impacted the tech-infused education at RSU14. The modern world increasingly fascinated by technology, the intersection of education and technology is essential. this spotlight, we shift our attention to one stalwart individual whose tireless endeavor to revolutionize the learning landscape is truly noteworthy. Meet Robert Hickey, the Director of Technology at Windham Raymond Schools rsu14 robert hickey Director of Technology, RSU14.

Bringing Authority and Trust to Tech Education

When it comes to imparting tech-based knowledge, Hickey is a bigwig who knows his onions. With years of experience in educational technology, he has become a linchpin in the compass of technological innovation in RSU 14. His leadership, seasoned with trust, and authenticated by authority, is paving a golden path for the students and staff alike. Isn’t that exactly what a school district needs in today’s digital era?

Pushing Boundaries: Robert Hickey’s Many Initiatives

Robert Hickey’s initiatives at the Windham Raymond Schools rsu14 robert hickey Director of Technology worth mentioning. His work has involved the successful deployment of a 1:1 student-to-computing device initiative across all grade levels. Another venture, the significant expansion the Wi-Fi network, meant flexible learning environment for students and faculty alike. All of these efforts have culminated in elevating the learning experience in the RSU14 schools.

Experience & Expertise: Spearheading Technological Advancements

Hickey’s tenure at RSU14 is marked by a relentless pursuit of progress. He has championed initiatives leading to massive investments in tech tools, thereby enhancing the district’s teaching and learning capabilities. With every diode he flicks and every wire he jiggers, Hickey seamlessly intertwines his expertise with the school’s technological needs.

1: Windham Raymond School District (RSU14) in Brief

The Windham School District, with four excellent schools under its umbrella, educates a steadily growing number of students. In the 2016-2017 school year, the district saw an a enrollment of 2940 students. Comprising two elementary schools, a middle school, and high school, each institution has its unique educational values and commitment for the students. But who ensures these values incorporate the benefits of technology?

2: Robert Hickey as Director of Technology

This brings us to Robert Hickey. As the Director of Technology at Windham Raymond School District, it’s Robert’s job to weave modern tech into the fabric of the learning environment. Experience Undeniably. With proven record in the field of educational technology, he is the ideal custodian and integrating technology in the education sector.

3: Effectively Introducing Technology in RSU14 Schools

Under Hickey’s leadership, technology is an integral part of lessons, equipping students for the digital age. From interactive smartboards in classrooms to online learning modules, the seamless integration of technology under Hickey’s watch is noticeably enhancing the learning experience in RSU14 schools.

4: Trust in Robert Hickey’s Expertise

But why trust Robert Hickey? Aside from his evident proficiency in educational technology, his authority in this domain stems from his mastery to adopt and adapt to developing tech trends. In his dealing with teachers, parents, of administrators, he brings a level of trust and reliability, assuring them of the safe and responsible use and technology in the schools.

From Zero to Hero: The road to digital proficiency

Robert Hickey is not one to rest on his laurels. He is committed to equipping students and staff with digital proficiency. They thrive with aplomb in today’s digitally driven world. The ‘code is king’ is not mere rhetoric at RSU14, it’s a life skill mastered and nurtured through practical training and constant exposure to technology.

Innovative Initiatives

  • 1 on 1 Student-Device Ratio: To ensure that all students have equal access to technology. A one student-device policy has been implemented under Hickey’s supervision.
  • Virtual Reality Learning: Embracing technology, virtual reality tools are utilized in classrooms for interactive and immersive learning experiences.
  • High-speed Internet Connectivity: A sound, high-speed broadband connection. Is guaranteed to all, enhancing the quality of online learning. NH 03087. Phone: 603-845-1550Fax: 603-845-1551


Robert Hickey:

  • Position: Director of Technology
  • Location: Windham Raymond Schools, rsu14
  • Innovations: Successful deployment of a 1:1 student to computing device initiative, significant expansion of Wi-Fi network.

In Conclusion

nutshell, Hickey’s time at RSU14 has ushered in an era of progress and innovation that would not have been possible without his leadership. Can we hold our breath for what comes next in Windham Raymond Schools under his technological reign? it is One thing’s for sure: it’ll be nothing short of ground-breaking. Robert Hickey’s role as Director of Technology at Windham Raymond Schools, rsu14, resonates far beyond technological competence. His dedication to enriching the educational experience through technology to both inspirational and aspirational. So, are we ready to embrace the quick-paced, ever-evolving technological strides in our education systems, just as RSU14 has, under the guidance of Robert Hickey? time to answer this question is now!

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